Vakantiewoning Fine Fleur

Privacy Policy

Through this privacy policy, ‘t Kasteeltje bv informs you about how your personal data are handled within our organisation. We respect your privacy and comply with the rules set by the AVG/GDPR. By providing your details, you agree to our privacy statement. Our employees and third parties engaged by us are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data.

What data are processed?

‘t Kasteeltje bv processes and collects the personal data we receive from you. This includes data that we receive and need when processing your order, such as telephone numbers, email addresses and, if applicable, billing details.

For what purposes are your data processed?

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Creating a personal and/or corporate account
  • Processing your booking
  • The administrative processing and financial administration of your booking
  • To comply with laws and regulations

Inspection of your data

You have the option and right to inspect your data at any time by logging in online with your login details. Via you can ask the operator for access to personal data.

Visiting details website

‘t Kasteeltje bv keeps your data for its own purposes and does not sell them to third parties. Cookies are only used for purposes of ‘t Kasteeltje bv.

Sharing or selling of data

‘t Kasteeltje bv does not share or sell data to third parties.

Security and retention period

Your personal data are protected against misuse and access by unauthorised persons through the current usual techniques. ‘t Kasteeltje bv will retain your personal data for as long as necessary for previously stated purposes or as long as required by law. ‘t Kasteeltje bv may keep personal data longer if there are circumstances that give rise to this.

Right to view, correct or delete your personal data

You have the right to inspect, correct or delete your personal data. To do so, you can send a specified request to Bakery Verstraete by sending an e-mail to, stating your name and address. In the event of a request for deletion, ‘t Kasteeltje bv will delete the personal data in question as soon as possible, unless and to the extent that the law requires the personal data in question to be retained or there are (other) pressing reasons that oppose deletion.

Data breach

A data breach is reported to the Personal Data Authority if it results in a significant likelihood of serious adverse consequences for the protection of personal data, or if it has serious adverse consequences for the protection of personal data. The data breach is also reported to the data subject(s) if it is likely to have adverse effects on their organisation or personal privacy.


This privacy policy may be amended at any time by ‘t Kasteeltje bv.

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